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(Tham khảo chính: ICPC )

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3.         Schneider S. A., Edwards M. J., Mir P., et al. Patients with adult-onset dystonic tremor resembling parkinsonian tremor have scans without evidence of dopaminergic deficit (SWEDDs). Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. [2007];22:2210-5.

4.         Jankovic J., Fahn S. Physiologic and pathologic tremors. Diagnosis, mechanism, and management. Ann Intern Med. [1980];93:460-5.

5.         Louis E. D. Essential tremors: a family of neurodegenerative disorders? Archives of neurology. [2009];66:1202-8.

6.         Louis E. D., Ottman R., Hauser W. A. How common is the most common adult movement disorder? estimates of the prevalence of essential tremor throughout the world. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. [1998];13:5-10.

7.         Benito-Leon J., Bermejo-Pareja F., Morales J. M., et al. Prevalence of essential tremor in three elderly populations of central Spain. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. [2003];18:389-94.

8.         Clark L. N., Louis E. D. Challenges in essential tremor genetics. Revue neurologique. [2015];171:466-74.

9.         Tio M., Tan E. K. Genetics of essential tremor. Parkinsonism & related disorders. [2016];22 Suppl 1:S176-8.

10.       Bain P., Brin M., Deuschl G., et al. Criteria for the diagnosis of essential tremor. Neurology. [2000];54:S7.

11.       Louis E. D., Dogu O. Isolated head tremor: part of the clinical spectrum of essential tremor? Data from population-based and clinic-based case samples. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. [2009];24:2281-5.

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13.       Medeiros L. M., Castro P. C., Felicio A. C., et al. Patients with essential tremor can have manual dexterity and attention deficits with no impairments in other cognitive functions. Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria. [2016];74:122-7.

14.       Duane D. D., Vermilion K. J. Cognitive deficits in patients with essential tremor. Neurology. [2002];58:1706; author reply

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17.       Thawani S. P., Schupf N., Louis E. D. Essential tremor is associated with dementia: prospective population-based study in New York. Neurology. [2009];73:621-5.

18.       Erro R., Ciocca M., Hirschbichler S. T., et al. Primary writing tremor is a dystonic trait: Evidence from an instructive family. Journal of the neurological sciences. [2015];356:210-1.

19.       Hai C., Yu-ping W., Hua W., et al. Advances in primary writing tremor. Parkinsonism & related disorders. [2010];16:561-5.

20.       Gerschlager W., Munchau A., Katzenschlager R., et al. Natural history and syndromic associations of orthostatic tremor: a review of 41 patients. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society. [2004];19:788-95.

21.       Mestre T. A., Lang A. E., Ferreira J. J., et al. Associated movement disorders in orthostatic tremor. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. [2012];83:725-9.

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