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(Tham khảo chính: ICPC )

1.    Fwu CW, Eggers PW, Kimmel PL, Kusek JW, Kirkali Z. Emergency department visits, use of imaging, and drugs for urolithiasis have increased in the United States. Kidney international. Mar 2013;83(3):479-486.
2.    Coe FL, Parks JH, Asplin JR. The pathogenesis and treatment of kidney stones. N Engl J Med. Oct 15 1992;327(16):1141-1152.
3.    Teichman JM. Clinical practice. Acute renal colic from ureteral calculus. N Engl J Med. Feb 12 2004;350(7):684-693.
4.    Evan AP, Lingeman JE, Coe FL, et al. Randall's plaque of patients with nephrolithiasis begins in basement membranes of thin loops of Henle. J Clin Invest. Mar 2003;111(5):607-616.
5.    Kim SC, Coe FL, Tinmouth WW, et al. Stone formation is proportional to papillary surface coverage by Randall's plaque. The Journal of urology. Jan 2005;173(1):117-119; discussion 119.
6.    Evan AP, Coe FL, Rittling SR, et al. Apatite plaque particles in inner medulla of kidneys of calcium oxalate stone formers: osteopontin localization. Kidney international. Jul 2005;68(1):145-154.
7.    Taylor EN, Stampfer MJ, Curhan GC. Dietary factors and the risk of incident kidney stones in men: new insights after 14 years of follow-up. J Am Soc Nephrol. Dec 2004;15(12):3225-3232.
8.    Hiatt RA, Ettinger B, Caan B, Quesenberry CP, Jr., Duncan D, Citron JT. Randomized controlled trial of a low animal protein, high fiber diet in the prevention of recurrent calcium oxalate kidney stones. American journal of epidemiology. Jul 1 1996;144(1):25-33.
9.    Kocvara R, Plasgura P, Petrik A, Louzensky G, Bartonickova K, Dvoracek J. A prospective study of nonmedical prophylaxis after a first kidney stone. BJU international. Sep 1999;84(4):393-398.
10.    Borghi L, Schianchi T, Meschi T, et al. Comparison of two diets for the prevention of recurrent stones in idiopathic hypercalciuria. N Engl J Med. Jan 10 2002;346(2):77-84.
11.    Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rimm EB, Stampfer MJ. Family history and risk of kidney stones. J Am Soc Nephrol. Oct 1997;8(10):1568-1573.
12.    Asplin JR, Coe FL. Hyperoxaluria in kidney stone formers treated with modern bariatric surgery. The Journal of urology. Feb 2007;177(2):565-569.
13.    Kopp JB, Miller KD, Mican JA, et al. Crystalluria and urinary tract abnormalities associated with indinavir. Ann Intern Med. Jul 15 1997;127(2):119-125.
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15.    Avci Z, Koktener A, Uras N, et al. Nephrolithiasis associated with ceftriaxone therapy: a prospective study in 51 children. Archives of disease in childhood. Nov 2004;89(11):1069-1072.
16.    Cameron MA, Maalouf NM, Adams-Huet B, Moe OW, Sakhaee K. Urine composition in type 2 diabetes: predisposition to uric acid nephrolithiasis. J Am Soc Nephrol. May 2006;17(5):1422-1428.
17.    Ekeruo WO, Tan YH, Young MD, et al. Metabolic risk factors and the impact of medical therapy on the management of nephrolithiasis in obese patients. The Journal of urology. Jul 2004;172(1):159-163.
18.    Hartman C, Friedlander JI, Moreira DM, Elsamra SE, Smith AD, Okeke Z. Differences in 24-h urine composition between nephrolithiasis patients with and without diabetes mellitus. BJU international. Apr 2015;115(4):619-624.
19.    Glowacki LS, Beecroft ML, Cook RJ, Pahl D, Churchill DN. The natural history of asymptomatic urolithiasis. The Journal of urology. Feb 1992;147(2):319-321.
20.    Sarma DP, Deiparine EM, Weilbaecher TG. Partially calcified renal cell carcinoma mimicking renal calculus. The Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society : official organ of the Louisiana State Medical Society. Jan 1990;142(1):24-26.
21.    Springhart WP, Marguet CG, Sur RL, et al. Forced versus minimal intravenous hydration in the management of acute renal colic: a randomized trial. Journal of endourology / Endourological Society. Oct 2006;20(10):713-716.
22.    Miller OF, Kane CJ. Time to stone passage for observed ureteral calculi: a guide for patient education. The Journal of urology. Sep 1999;162(3 Pt 1):688-690; discussion 690-681.
23.    Coll DM, Varanelli MJ, Smith RC. Relationship of spontaneous passage of ureteral calculi to stone size and location as revealed by unenhanced helical CT. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. Jan 2002;178(1):101-103.
24.    Holdgate A, Pollock T. Systematic review of the relative efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids in the treatment of acute renal colic. BMJ. Jun 12 2004;328(7453):1401.
25.    Hollingsworth JM, Rogers MA, Kaufman SR, et al. Medical therapy to facilitate urinary stone passage: a meta-analysis. Lancet. Sep 30 2006;368(9542):1171-1179.
26.    Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, et al. 2007 guideline for the management of ureteral calculi. The Journal of urology. Dec 2007;178(6):2418-2434.

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