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Tài liệu tham khảo

(Tham khảo chính: ICPC )

1.    Baade PD, Youl PH, English DR, Mark Elwood J, Aitken JF. Clinical pathways to diagnose melanoma: a population-based study. Melanoma Res. Aug 2007;17(4):243-249.
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7.    Đạt V. Vai trò tiên lượng tử vong của giãn tĩnh mạch thực quản trên bệnh nhân xơ gan, Đại học y khoa Phạm Ngọc Thạch; 2017.
8.    Botta F, Giannini G, Romaguoli P. MELD scoring system is useful for predicting in patients with liver cirrhosis and is correlated with reisdual liver function. A European study. Gut. 2003;52:134-139.
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11.    Oellerich M, Burdeski M, Lautz H. Predictors of one year pre-transplant survival in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology. 1991;14:1029-1034.
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13.    Di Martino M, Marin D, Guerrisi A, et al. Intraindividual comparison of gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MR imaging and 64-section multidetector CT in the Detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis. Radiology. Sep 2010;256(3):806-816.
14.    Chegwidden WR. A problem-based learning pathway for medical students: improving the process through action research. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Sep 2006;35(9):642-646.
15.    Jimenez Munoz AB, Duran Garcia ME, Rodriguez Perez MP, Sanjurjo M, Vigil MD, Vaquero J. Clinical pathway for hip arthroplasty six years after introduction. Int J Health Care Qual Assur Inc Leadersh Health Serv. 2006;19(2-3):237-245.
16.    Steel Z, McDonald R, Silove D, et al. Pathways to the first contact with specialist mental health care. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. Apr 2006;40(4):347-354.
17.    Taylor WJ, Wong A, Siegert RJ, McNaughton HK. Effectiveness of a clinical pathway for acute stroke care in a district general hospital: an audit. BMC Health Serv Res. 2006;6:16.
18.    Sances G, Ghiotto N, Loi M, et al. A CARE: pathway in medication-overuse headache: the experience of the Headache Centre in Pavia. J Headache Pain. Sep 2005;6(4):307-309.
19.    Jackson CL, de Jong I, Oats J. Clinical pathways involving general practice--a new approach to integrated health care? Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association. 2000;23(2):88-95.
20.    Hart M. Improving the quality of NHS out-patient clinics: the applications and misapplications of TQM. International journal of health care quality assurance. 1996;9(2):20-27.


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