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1    Barbara Starkield, Leiyu Shi, and James Macinko (2005 ), Contribution of Primary Care to Health Systems and Health (Vol. 83), Blackwell Publishing.
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15    Shi L. (1999), "Experience of Primary Care by Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States". Medical Care 37:1068-77.
16    Shi L., J. Macinko, B. Starfield, J. Wulu, J. Regan, and R. Politzer (2003a), " The Relationship between Primary Care, Income Inequality, and Mortality in the United States, 1980-1995". Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, 16:412-22.
17    Simms C., Rowson M. (2003), "Reassessment of health effects of the Indonesian economic crisis: donors versus the data". Lancet 361: 1382-1385.
18    Sultanate of Oman: second primary health care review mission (2006), Geneva, World Health Organization.
19    Villalbi J.R., A.Guarga, M.I.Pasarin, M.Gil, C.Borrell, M.Ferran, and E. Cirera. (1999), "An Evaluation of the Impact of Primary Care Reform on Health". Atencion Primaria, 24:468-74.
20    World Health Organization (2008), "Primary Health Care. Now More Than Ever". The World Health Report.

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